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Q4 Countdown: Crafting Goals for Success

It’s 102 degrees where I’m currently traveling in Texas. 😅 The hustle of the holiday season feels so far away (though I would enjoy a little snow right now). We’re 6 weeks in to Q3, which means we’re also only 6 weeks away from Q4! I’ll give you a moment to process that information…

OK, now let’s talk about goals. Have you started discussing Q4 goals with your team yet? Many projects require a lengthy runway (I see you Cyber Monday promotions 👀 ). Maybe you’ve loosely noted possible goals and projects as they’ve come up throughout recent conversations but now that stack of post-its is resembling the Leaning Tower of Pisa and you know you can’t do everything in a single quarter.

If you’re looking for an external thought-partner and/or facilitator to guide you and your team through the Q4 goal setting process, I’m here to help. 🤝 With sessions ranging from a few hours to a couple days, I can assist with any part of the process including ideation, prioritization, and alignment. Book a free discovery call to discuss a bespoke solution for your team.

Feedback from a team I worked with after Q3 goal workshops included, “I could see the entire vision instead of just my own team’s.” “A fantastic planning resource for us.” “…a key moment for envisioning our goals and where we are headed as a team.” “Good to work together on what’s important.” “Love how interactive this call was.” We used an impact/effort matrix to end their 2-day workshop, measuring and visualizing solutions for true alignment. I would love to hear how this matrix has worked for you or if it’s a new concept you are excited to try out.

Impact effort matrix for goal-setting and prioritization

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